Troso & Sukodono
We take you to Troso, the weaving village, where you learn how to weave at Omah Petruk, ayouth organization dedicated to create artistic ikat waven clothes based on Javanese culture by using natural dye taken from plants. Then we visit Sukodono, the woodcarving village, where you learn how to carve and be amazed by the intricate dan creative carvings. Here we also visit some wooden furniture home industries an taste some homemade traditional pancakes made in Sukodono way. Lunch will be served at Sriya Cafe, an authentic Javanese Restaurant with an artistic ambiance. The we drive or walk along the street of Mulyoharjo, the center of wooden statues. we close the day at Sunset Beach Resto & Bungalow on Bandengan Beach, where you cah sunbathe, swim and enjoy the sunset.