Tuesday, March 28th 2017 is Nyepi, the Hindu Silent Day and thus a national holiday. That means that the previous weekend of Saturday – Sunday the 24th and 25th will be prolonged by TWO DAYS. Where do you want to spend those FOUR VACATION DAYS? Karimunjawa, Bali, Yogyakarta will be chock-full with tourists. If you...Read More
TRAVEL JEPARA ensures that your group gets a personalized tour experience. So whether you want to tweak your tour’s itinerary on your own or let us create a total new programme just for you, we have the equipments and we know how to give you exactly what you are looking for. You can build your tour by...Read More
Cannot go to Karimunjawa? This is a perfect alternative that can cheer you up! Spend 1 whole day hopping from beach to beach along the coast of Japara, hop to an island or two nearby and enjoy the white sands and the calm shallow water. In the morning we leave from Bandengan beach to Panjang...Read More
This is great for both sunrise and sunset. (about 3 hours) A. Sunrise: early departure from Jepara around 4.30 to the harbour to set out on the traditional fishermen’s boat of Alvian’s family. Watch the sunrise and have a go to catch some fish the traditional way. We will provide a picnic breakfast on board...Read More